Like many other sports, it is much easier to focus on threats rather than embracing the challenge. Stop placing so much emphasis on winning or losing. Learn how to flip things around and change your mindset. Coach: Aleks Szym...
Inevitably, things go wrong. Learn how you can help your juniors manage themselves to focus on the things that can be controlled to de-escalate the situation. Coach: Positive Coaching Alliance, better athletes, better people....
Discover how arousal levels and self-talk can affect you. Learn to embrace the challenges that you experience on the tennis court. Set your mindset right and achieve your potential. Coach: Aleks Szymanski, Founder of Tennisle...
Learn how to be aware of everything on the tennis court. Stop trying to block things out because it won't work. Discover how you can keep your focus by accepting what tennis is. Coach: Chris Haggard, former world no.19 double...
As a parent, are you going to be helpful or helpful to your junior players' development? Discover how to ensure you can have the most positive impact. Coach: Positive Coaching Alliance, better athletes, better people. Bio: Po...
Hear about concentration through a powerful story about Dennis playing at Wimbledon as a 17-year-old in 1960 and what he discovered. Coach: Dennis Ralston, American tennis legend and Hall of Famer. Bio: Right-handed, former A...
Learn how you can increase your level of focus on the court by concentrating on the items that enhance your performance. Discover the differences between practice and matches. Embrace routines to take your tennis to the next ...
Let's talk about focus. Seek a vision about what you are going to do. Your actions are determined by what you visualize. Learn to get back on track and keep the will to win. Coach: Coach Pain, fitness trainer, and motivationa...
What tools and techniques can you use to maintain focus throughout a point? Learn what should you be thinking about. Coach: Ashley Weinhold, current professional American tennis player. Bio: Winner of Girls 18 National title ...